Testing and Modeling of Polymers for FE Simulation
Two-Day, Online Training Class
This course is intended for finite element (FE) engineers who simulate polymers and are interested in advancing their modeling skills beyond hyperelastic material models. We will review the foundations of continuum mechanics for material modeling, including hyperelasticity, metal plasticity, linear viscoelasticity, and advanced viscoplastic material models. We will review test methods and discuss how to design test plans for material modeling. We will also introduce the MCalibration® software and demonstrate how to calibrate and validate advanced material models.
Course Instructor
Dr. Sean Teller is a Principal at Veryst Engineering. Dr. Teller has extensive experience in testing and modeling the mechanical behavior of materials. His expertise includes measuring the response of materials at impact rates and capturing the nonlinear behavior of advanced, engineering materials. His experience also includes characterizing the nonlinear, finite deformation response of materials, focusing largely on viscoplasticity, biomaterials, and fracture mechanics.
Dr. Teller earned his Ph.D. from Brown University in Solid Mechanics, with research on high frequency, nonlinear viscoelasticity.
This course is intended for people with some experience in FE modeling and some knowledge of polymers. Experience with Abaqus, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, COMSOL, or some other FE program will help. Prior knowledge of material models will help as well.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, you will be able to:
- identify the differences between hyperelastic, viscoelastic, plastic, and viscoplastic material models
- design a test plan for polymer materials
- select an appropriate material model for calibration
- calibrate a material model to your test data
- prepare test data for material model calibration
- understand material model validation and its importance
Course Materials
Everyone who registers for the course will receive a pdf copy of the training class notes. Notes are for personal use and cannot be modified, shared, or redistributed.
To register for the April 4-5, 2024 Testing and Modeling of Polymers for FE Simulation web-based course:
Use our online registration form (see below) or print out this page and submit by one of the following:
- Scan and email to: seminars@veryst.com
- Fax to: 781.433.0933
- Mail to:
- Seminars
- Veryst Engineering
- 47 Kearney Road
- Needham, MA 02494
The fee for this two-day course is $600.
Deadline for registration is March 29, 2024.
Registration after this date will incur a late registration fee of $200.
Cancellation Policy
Veryst reserves the right to reject registrations and to cancel a training class based on class size. A full refund will be made if a class is canceled. If a participant cancels a registration more than 5 days before the class then an 80% refund will be given. There is no refund for cancellations during the last 5 days before the class.
Important Information
* You will receive an email confirmation once you have completed your registration.
* You will receive an email with login information the day before the class.