High-Rate Testing of Adhesives and Composites
Free, One-hour Webinar
The high-rate mechanical properties of adhesives and composites are important for numerous industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, and defense. However, measuring the mechanical properties of adhesives under high-rate loading conditions is experimentally challenging. To obtain repeatable and robust measurements of our materials, we must pay careful attention to how our test specimens are designed and how our test data is analyzed. We will demonstrate how to characterize composites and adhesive joints to understand joint performance under impact loading conditions. We will conclude by discussing how recent innovations in high-speed imaging can be leveraged to characterize structural adhesives at high strain rates.
Course Instructor
Dr. Scott Grindy is a Lead Engineer at Veryst Engineering. Dr. Grindy’s expertise is in the design of functional polymeric materials through materials chemistry and structure. He has worked extensively with polymeric materials such as soft hydrogels, thermoplastics, photo-curing systems, and biodegradable polymers. Dr. Grindy has experience using both mechanical characterization and rheology and analytical methods to analyze materials in areas such as drug delivery, implantable biomedical devices, adhesives, and consumer products.
Dr. Grindy earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This course is intended for people with some experience in mechanics or materials science. We will briefly cover conventional adhesive test methods to provide background for attendees who are not familiar with adhesive and composite joint characterization.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this class, you will be able to:
- understand how the high strain-rate properties of adhesives are different than properties at low strain rates, and identify which mechanical properties are most likely to be different for different adhesive classes
- discuss the toughness of adhesive joints and composites through the lens of fracture mechanics
- understand how computer vision and high-speed video can be combined to characterize adhesives
The March 14, 2024 High-Rate Testing of Adhesives and Composites web-based course is free, but registration is required and class size is limited.
Use our on-line registration form (see below) or print out this page and submit by one of the following:
- Scan and email to: seminars@veryst.com
- Fax to: 781.433.0933
- Mail to:
- Seminars
- Veryst Engineering
- 47A Kearney Road
- Needham, MA 02492
Deadline for registration is Friday, March 8, 2024.
Cancellation Policy
Veryst reserves the right to reject registrations and to cancel a webinar based on class size.
Important Information
* You will receive an email confirmation once you have completed your registration.
* You will receive an email with login information the day before the webinar.