Advanced Structural Mechanics Using COMSOL Multiphysics
Three-Day, Online Training Class
This course—now taking place over three days—will cover most of the structural analysis capabilities in COMSOL Multiphysics including large deformations, linear and nonlinear material models, contact mechanics, solver settings and convergence issues, multiphysics coupling, and best practices. The class includes technical lectures and hands-on COMSOL examples.
Course Instructor
Course Outline
- Introduction and basic theory
- Structural analysis types:
- Stationary, transient dynamic, frequency domain, eigenfrequency, linearized buckling, modal analysis
- Analysis domains:
- 3D solids, 2D solids, shells, membranes, beams, trusses
- Loads, constraints, boundary conditions
- Nonlinear analysis:
- Sources of nonlinearity, convergence, solver settings, solution monitoring
- Material models:
- Elastic, viscoelastic
- Hyperelastic, elastic-plastic, viscoplastic, creep, shape memory materials, material calibration
- Contact modeling:
- Friction, dynamic contact, multiphysics contact
- Miscellaneous topics, such as:
- Fatigue analysis, porous materials, piezoelectric materials, temperature effects, damping
This course is intended for people with some experience in using COMSOL Multiphysics, and basic knowledge of finite element analysis.
A 14-day free trial version of COMSOL Multiphysics will be made available for installation prior to the start of class.
Course Materials
Everyone who registers for the course will get a copy of the training class notes. Notes are for personal use and cannot be modified, shared or redistributed.
To register for the May 5-7, 2021 Advanced Structural Mechanics Using COMSOL Multiphysics web-based course:
Use our online registration form (see below) or print out this page and submit by one of the following:
Scan and email to: seminars@veryst.com
Fax to: 781.433.0933
Mail to:
- Seminars
- Veryst Engineering
- 47 Kearney Road
- Needham, MA 02494
The fee for this two-day course is $950.
Deadline for registration is: April 28, 2021.
Registration after this date will incur a late registration fee of $200.
Cancellation Policy
Veryst reserves the right to reject registrations and to cancel a training class based on class size. A full refund will be made if a class is canceled. If a participant cancels a registration more than 5 days before the class then an 80% refund will be given. There is no refund for cancellations during the last 5 days before the class.