Veryst is proud to have supported 3D BioLabs LLC with a study described in its recent publication titled “Rodent Model for Orthotopic Implantation of Engineered Liver Devices.” The publication presents a novel surgical technique to provide blood supply to implanted cellularized devices that augment or replace liver tissue function.
Dr. Jorgen Bergstrom’s book is now available! Mechanics of Solid Polymers: Theory and Computational Modeling explains how solid polymers behave, how they can be experimentally characterized, and how to predict their behavior in different load environments. This comprehensive book reflects the latest advances in the understanding of polymers, and shows that with the right knowledge and tools it is possible to predict accurately the response of ALL polymers.
Dr. Nagi Elabbasi presented a paper titled “Constitutive Modeling of Polyethylene” which described a custom material model for medium density polyethylene, accounting for large deformations and strains. The material model was implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics.
Ms. Allyson Hartzell has recently joined Veryst Engineering, bringing more than three decades of professional experience in emerging technologies. Ms. Hartzell is an internationally recognized expert in MEMS reliability, and has expertise in surface chemistry and analytical techniques for failure analysis.
Dr. Matthew Hancock presented case studies and performed a live demo as part of the May 14, 2015 webinar "Simulation of Microfluidic Devices Using COMSOL" hosted by COMSOL and NASA Tech Briefs.
Dr. Jorgen Bergstrom presented a paper titled "Using Non-Linear Material Models in ANSYS Mechanical for Accurate Simulations" at the 2015 ANSYS Convergence Conference.
FluidicMEMS is an informal gathering of people from academia, medicine, industry, and business to meet and explore how microfluidic and BioMEMS technology will impact healthcare, research, and beyond.