COMSOL Multiphysics Material Models

Veryst provides the following test programs for COMSOL Multiphysics material models.  Veryst can use its extensive expertise to recommend an appropriate combination of test program and material model if you are unsure of what test program is required for your application.

program id comsol material description
COM001 Hyperelastic Hyperelastic model
COM004 Hyperelastic Temperature-dependent hyperelastic model
COM007 Linear Viscoelastic Linear viscoelastic model
COM009 Linear Viscoelastic + Thermal Effects Temperature-dependent linear viscoelastic model
COM015 Linear Viscoelastic Frequency domain viscoelastic model
COM017 Linear Elastic + Creep Elastic material model with creep
COM018 Linear Elastic + Creep Temperature-dependent elastic material model with creep
COM019 Linear Elastic + Viscoplasticity Anand viscoplastic model
COM101 External Material PolyUMod® user material models

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