Engineering expertise to help you create extraordinary products

Multiphysics Simulation | CFD | EM | FEA | Heat Transfer | Mechanical Testing | Materials | Failure Analysis

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Veryst is offering new, free, monthly webinars!

January 17, 2024
Veryst is pleased to add new offerings to our webinar series, focusing on our consultants' expertise in polymer mechanics, experimental testing, and multiphysics simulation.  Registration is now open!

Patent granted for Veryst's custom-built drop tower

October 8, 2024
Veryst has been granted a patent on our custom-designed drop tower for conducting high strain rate uniaxial tension and compression tests. This unique and versatile test system can be used to measure the high-rate stress-strain response of elastomers, thermoplastics, foams, engineering composites, thermosets, and biomaterials.

Axial Permanent Magnet Coupling

Axial permanent magnet couplings are electromagnetic devices that transmit torque from a primary driver to a load without mechanical contact. Veryst used a finite element analysis (FEA) model to analyze the complex coupling nature of these magnetic devices to maximize the torque transmission

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